How ending an email can start a conversation

How helpful are business email sign-offs in generating a response? We’re considering a few examples of email endings that are great conversation starters.

Good day. Kind regards. Stay well. Best. Cheers. Keep on rockin’!

Is there best practice when it comes to signing off emails?

Since I first began writing emails to prospective and current customers, I’ve been paying more attention to emails landing in my inbox. Why did certain ones draw my attention? What do they contain and what does the layout look like? What makes me want to read them or draw me to click on certain links?

There are many reasons we open, read, respond to, and remember some emails and not others. One of these, is how emails are signed off. Your last words, when writing an email, can go a long way to help you make a good first impression.

What should I consider when writing an email sign-off?

I don’t believe there’s a fail-safe word or line that will work for every email you send. It comes down to understanding who you’re writing to, knowing when humour or familiarity are appropriate, and when it’s better to keep it serious. Humour and fun can be as professional as a more serious tone, given you know when and how to use it.

Context and purpose should be your main considerations, so ask yourself these questions: What is the context of your relationship with the recipient? Have you met in person or had previous interactions before, or is it the first time they will become aware of your existence? What industry or role are they in, or what tone of language do they communicate in through their website or LinkedIn page?

Your email has two main purposes: you’re hoping for a specific type of response, and you’re hoping to communicate in the most human, personal way possible. The more they realise you’re talking to them, the more likely they are to respond to you.

Keeping all of the above in mind, let’s explore a few possibilities:

Email sign-offs to consider, depending on context and purpose

Formal, friendly, familiar – the safe option

Most of us know how to sign off formal business emails versus casual emails to friends and family. It’s safe to use these, given you know how to ‘stay in the right lane’.

When you’re not quite sure who’s on the receiving end, or it’s appropriate to be polite and respectful, you simply go with one of the following: Kind regards, Regards, Sincerely, Best wishes, Thank you, Thanks in advance, etc. And when it’s a sign-offs to someone you’re close or familiar with, you can go with any of these: Cheers, Rdgs, Tx, Write back soon!, <3 xoxo. You can pretty much do whatever you like in this instance.

But we’re looking to operate in the more tricky, grey area between formality and familiarity. We want to remain professional while being as personal and inviting as possible. In a business environment, you’re looking to communicate care and invite trust.

Email sign-offs that invite further conversation – more risky, but effective

I look forward to hearing from you is more direct than Yours Sincerely and invites a response but does not necessarily convey personal care or build rapport.

We’re looking for more creative sign-offs that shows an interest in the recipient and their business, communicating that this email was drafted with them and their priorities in mind. So, how do you do this? Here are a few examples you can sift through to see what might work best for you:

  1. ‘Looking forward to learning more about your [challenge]’

It’s clear that you’ve done your research or listened the last time you were in contact. If they see that you want to help, they’re likely to respond and tell you more.

  1. ‘Drop me a line if you’ve got any questions about [the proposal, improving your order accuracy, etc.]’

This provides a neat summary of how you’re addressing a specific need and how you can help them.

  1. ‘Congratulations again on the [industry prize/personal milestone they reached]’

This is something they’re proud of and enjoy being complimented on. It also shows that you’re following their progress and growth, that you’re paying attention.

  1. ‘Hope you’re able to fit in some [prospect’s or customer’s hobby] this weekend’

This is another, more personal way of showing an awareness of your prospect’s or customer’s interests.

  1. ‘Always a pleasure catching up with a fellow [{name of school} alumni, {sports team/tv series} fan]’

Nothing breaks the ice or builds instant trust like common interests or loyalties.

  1. ‘Saw that it’ll be [hot, cold] in [city] — stay [cool, warm]!’

It’s not only a British obsession. We all like talking about the weather and while it might seem shallow, it does communicate something relevant and person.

  1. ‘Thank you for [your monthly sales analysis]’
  2. ‘Your information on [weekly sales activities] was very helpful!’
  3. ‘Thank you for your continuing support with [how they support your business]’

You acknowledge their role in the ongoing conversation as being helpful and important, showing and reminding them of what teamwork between the two of you you can look like.

  1. Looking forward to seeing you at [event]!

You could be referring to an industry event, a music festival or a holiday destination where you catch up over Christmas. It extends your relationship beyond mere email communications.

  1. PS: You might find this interesting: [URL link]

You’re providing them with something useful, but most importantly, you’re indicating that you’re familiar with their business goals or personal interests.

  1. Don’t forget to [action]!

You’re reminding them of something important while inviting them to take action and move the conversation forward.

Go ahead and play around with these sign-off templates. Create a few of your own and test them to see which gets the best responses. And remember, they work best when you do care and become invested in what is important to your prospects and customers. Nothing beats a sincere sign-off.

I’d love to hear about any email sign-offs that works for you – go ahead and share them with us in the comments below!


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