A diagnosis, a charity, a unicorn mascot – and how they all fit together

Learn the story behind our unicorn mascot, Skyler.

Born on February 28, 2018, at the Rare Bear Project in Johannesburg, South Africa, Skyler’s life goal is to use technology to change the sales conversation and in turn empower sales managers to become coaches and sales reps to become consultants. In her off-time, Skyler likes being cuddled, drinking fine coffee and flying.

Skyler the world traveller

When she isn’t looking at new ways to improve our app and, in turn, help our customers, Skyler is jet setting to sign on new customers and partners. With plans to further expand globally, you’ll soon be seeing Skyler across the globe. Skyler’s jet-setting lifestyle is one way she is giving back to the community, continue reading to find out more.

As our mascot, Skyler isn’t shy about meeting new people and spreading the word about Skynamo. But she also personifies one of our core values – kindness. It’s what makes us more than a team. It makes us a family.

And, families look out for each other – which is the real reason Skyler joined our family…


Skynamo mascot Skyler the unicorn


Tina Joubert is part of the Skynamo family and her daughter, Clara, was diagnosed with a rare blood disease within the first few months of her life.

“Our beautiful little girl was born 20 Sep 2013 and for the first 4 days (while in hospital) everything was fine, and then nothing was ever the same or ‘normal’ again…”

The diagnoses and our inspiration

Skynamo mascot Skyler the unicornClara spent the first three and a half months of her life in and out of hospitals as medical professionals were unable to properly diagnose her condition due to her symptoms constantly changing. She was initially diagnosed with gastric volvulus, a twisting of all or part of the stomach by more than 180 degrees with obstruction of the flow of material through the stomach, and had to have a temporary gastrostomy feeding tube inserted to make sure that the stomach didn’t rotate after feedings and to give the muscles and ligaments around the stomach some time to strengthen.

A few months later her condition worsened and she was diagnosed with Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP), a form of pneumonia which affects people with a weak immune system, which lead her to be admitted into the ICU. It was during this hospital visit, at the age of 3 and a half months, that Clara was diagnosed with Common Variable Immune Deficiency, a possible lifelong immune disorder characterised by recurrent infections and low antibody levels.

Clara is now five years old and has to undergo Polygam treatment, similar to blood transfusions, every 4 weeks for the foreseeable future to help strengthen her immune system and lower her risk of infection.

Clara’s journey as a rare disease patient is what inspired us to support the Rare Bear project – an organisation that gifts each new rare disease patient with a hand-made stuffed animal, so they can have a companion to encourage them along their journey.



The Rare Bear Project and Skynamo

The Rare Bear Project is a partnership between Rare Diseases South Africa and Kya Kids. Kya Kids teaches unemployed women in the community how to crochet these Rare Bears – giving them the opportunity to generate income.

Skyler was created by one of these ladies. And now, to help the Rare Bear Project on a long-term basis, we’ll be donating to them every time we take a photo of Skyler in a different location. With plans to further expand globally, Rare Bear Project’s benefactors will benefit from our travels as we photograph Skyler across the globe.

If you’re ever in our office, come get your photo taken with Skyler. She’d love to meet you!



Skynamo field sales platform