Lay the right foundations: 3 ways to increase B2B sales performance and drive business growth

Lay the right foundations: 3 ways to increase B2B sales performance and drive business growth

Business relies on exceptional sales performance. However, sales aren’t only about improving the bottom line. Reputation is everything in the modern business environment, and your sales team is often at the forefront of that effort.

A good reputation can smooth the road to making new contacts, while a poor one might shut them down entirely. That’s why a prospective customer will likely first consider your reputation before deciding whether they want to work with you.

Moreover, the powerful reach of social media means your digital footprint is already on the front lines. As such, online reviews about your business are often the first thing a prospective customer sees.


Proper sales accountability and a strong online company profile make all the difference in laying the right foundations. And although every company has unique ways of measuring those goals, a few clear guidelines can help you get started.

Let‘s look at some guidelines for setting workplace targets to achieve your sales goals – and establish the right kind of online presence.


How to smash sales goals and establish a strong online presence


1. Go the extra mile to build your company reputation

Your company’s reputation results from how you treat your customers and employees. Respect their opinions, listen to their needs, and respond when they present ideas. Hard work should be rewarded, and you’ll find that employees react positively when you let them know they’re appreciated.

The same principle drives sales performance. Valued customers are more likely to honour their commitments, while employees also take more responsibility for doing a good job. If you ensure that both groups’ needs are met, you’ll often find them responding in kind.

Here are some important pointers for improving your company’s reputation:

  • Encourage customers to leave reviews. This does more than improve your reputation; it demonstrates that you respect their opinions.
  • Lead by example. Commit to the same levels of accountability and responsibility that you expect from your employees. Moreover, follow up with your customers once you’ve addressed their needs.
  • Never badmouth the competition. At best, it paints your company as insecure. At worst, it comes across as vindictive. Spend your time building up your products rather than knocking those of other companies.
  • Show consistency in your actions. What you do for one customer, be prepared to do for others.
  • Don’t hide negativity. It can be easy to ignore a bad review or internal issues you disagree with. Remember that positive engagement – acknowledging concerns and seeking an equitable resolution – creates a much stronger impression and is better for business in the long term.

2. Aim for the right sales goals

Sales are the lifeblood of any business. Defining your sales performance goals helps you to set realistic expectations and plan accordingly. Your own sales team can be an invaluable resource on this front. They likely have the inside track on reliable information – including high-quality sales prospects.

Empower your sales team to state their opinions and act on information while taking responsibility for sales targets into consideration. This is a great way to increase an employee’s ownership of the process. Further, it allows you to leverage their knowledge and experience to create effective sales goals.

Research can also help. Accurate information on your prospects – for instance, a particular company and your likely contacts there – allows you to plan accordingly. Similarly, knowledge of your industry in general and changing trends and new developments can serve you well.

Finally, always be honest and straightforward in pursuing your sales goals. That means focusing on how things are rather than how you might prefer them to be – in other words, setting realistic goals. Although your workplace expectations should be high, setting impossible objectives invariably backfires, while accurate information helps you determine what can (and can’t) be achieved.

3. Encourage sales teams’ productivity and growth

Growth and productivity are crucial metrics in measuring sales success. This involves enhancing your reputation as well as improving sales performance. Encouraging productivity in your sales team is a great way to boost sales – and clear communication and honesty can be your most beneficial tools.

Giving and receiving feedback from your team are invaluable assets, freeing them up to discuss anything with you. Further, it makes team members more open to course correction and recognizing areas for self-improvement.

The same holds true for customer relations. By listening to clients’ concerns and offering feedback, you’ll encourage them to be open with you. It fosters trust and lets you better address their needs.

One of the most effective ways to encourage productivity and growth? Independence. At the other end of the spectrum, micromanaging employees is more apt to close lines of communication and discourage your team from being productive. Far better to encourage employees to pursue sales in the way they know best while working on setting an example yourself.

Priorities here include work-life balance – which studies have shown to encourage productivity – and going the extra mile for customers. Lead by example and let your team proceed independently. You are not forgetting regular updates and open lines of communication to keep everyone in the loop. You’ll be surprised at how readily it boosts sales performance and productivity.


The ultimate way to maximize sales performance and productivity


Give your sales team the right tools to succeed

The ability to deliver peak sales performance and productivity is an ongoing process – and a vital element in enhancing your company’s reputation. That’s why it pays to have the right tools for the job.

Moreover, sales software and apps are vital to keep your sales team connected to the business, to their customers and to work at their best.

When it comes to easy-to-use sales software, Skynamo is a leading provider in the B2B sales field.

Skynamo’s B2B sales software allows your team to take accurate orders in the field. This is because every sales rep has live access to the latest stock and price information. Follow-ups are easier, travel is trackable, and reports are real-time and instant. Plus, you get other key functions that enhance your business’s sales performance at every turn.

Let us know if your business could use a good software tool to promote long-term sales productivity. We’re here to talk through everything Skynamo can accomplish for you! Let’s chat!