Accelerate sales and revenue with insights

Sales intelligence means you deliver personalised experiences, close more deals, and get more done, faster.

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The leader in sales CRM now brings you super-smart sales intelligence

Skynamo RADAR combines sales automation with powerful analytics, to give you accurate forecasting and actionable insights that drive sales outcomes.

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Sales intelligence that helps sales teams sell, and buyers buy

Turn customer data into closed deals

Identify and focus on the most promising opportunities with RADAR’s enhanced, streamlined sales process.

More intelligence, more predictive insights, from prospecting to closing deals.

Sales intelligence that helps sales teams sell, and buyers buy

Your sales team can benefit from predictive sales analytics, automated lead scoring, and precise sales forecasting, for enhanced decision-making and improved conversions.

Just like having your own personal data scientist

Leverage RADAR to tap into Skynamo’s robust capabilities. Enjoy advanced customer segmentation, predictive analytics, and actionable insights to transform your sales process.

Just like having your own personal data scientist

Leverage RADAR to tap into Skynamo’s robust capabilities. Enjoy advanced customer segmentation, predictive analytics, and actionable insights to transform your sales process.

360 degree view of the customer journey

When ignorance isn't bliss: the high cost of not using sales intelligence software

Your ERP and back-office systems don’t give you the insights you need to stay competitive. Lack of sales intelligence software keeps you in the dark.

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Loss of new
market share

Do you have the necessary insights to understand your market, competitors, and customers fully? You need intelligence to help you develop more effective sales strategies.


Lost sales

Can you automate mundane sales admin tasks? Without this, businesses could have less efficient sales cycles, leading to wasted resources and potential loss of sales opportunities


Poor customer relationship management

Do you struggle to effectively manage your customer interactions? This could lead to lower customer satisfaction and possibly lost clients to competitors


Decreased sales productivity

Can you easily identify and focus on high-quality leads? You might be chasing low-quality leads or miss potential high-quality leads altogether.

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Difficulty in making
data-driven decisions

Without the in-depth data analysis provided by sales intelligence software, businesses might struggle to make informed decisions.

Why choose Skynamo RADAR for your sales intelligence?

Build better sales plans with critical data

Build pipeline faster. Tackle your best leads first with RADAR. Based on your past deals, RADAR automatically prioritises the leads most likely to convert and close. Combine real-time data with all the intelligence of what has come before so you can give sales the clearest picture and the best chance of success. Unify real-time customer intelligence with data from ERP and HR systems to generate ideal quotas, manage territories, align sales compensation, and create sales plans that meet and exceed your business goals.

Get a comprehensive customer profile

Build richer relationships with the right customers. See the key business developments that touch your accounts, all in one place. By leveraging Skynamo RADAR, you gain access to powerful capabilities combined with sales automation, offering predictive analytics and advanced customer segmentation tools, allowing you to target the right customers with the right message. Understand your customer's journey better and offer them personalised interactions for improved conversion.

Skynamo integrates back-office, ERP, and CRM systems. RADAR’s dynamic company analysis gives you a complete customer picture that improves sales conversion rates.

Guide sales teams and close deals

Pick the biggest winners. How likely is your deal to close? Get real answers instantly — and explore customer sentiment, competitor involvement, and overall prospect engagement. Skynamo RADAR provides driven insights that aid in driving sales outcomes. Its features like automated lead scoring, relationship linking, and project management streamline your sales process, giving you a competitive edge.

Go beyond a traditional CRM solution with a system of recommendation that guides sellers to the best course of action. With a reimagined user experience, focus on the right, highest priority deals at the right time. Guide sellers with data-powered tools that help them take smarter actions in fewer clicks, saving time.

Use the tools that save you time, and help you sell more

Save oodles of timeSeriously. With Skynamo RADAR, your sales team can leverage powered insights directly within the CRM environment. They can predict outcomes, automate tasks, and deliver hyper-personalised customer experiences. Saving you time, and driving sales growth.

Talk to your CRM, do more with less clicks, and accelerate deals. Sell more. Improve efficiency to help sales reps sell more to current customers through subscription management and RFM analysis.

Real businesses. Real results.

“THIS is intelligence”

“Save 2 days of reporting and analysing just with the new Dashboard, Save 5 days and provide invaluable insights to teams”

“This has allowed us take action with our customers sooner and use these insights to increase sales revenue and improve customer relationships”

“Sales reps can get a snapshot very quickly of who needs to order, how often they order in the past, instead of filtering through their current dashboard and looking at every single account”

“Greater visibility for the team, enabling them to take action much sooner when a customer needs assistance”