Skynamo Devices - food and beverage industry

The top sales software for food and beverage companies

Powerful sales software that is like six tools in one. Everything your sales team needs to improve sales.

We work with

food and beverage field sales ordering app
ClearWorld Logo
food and beverage field sales ordering app
Jumbo UK Ltd. Home of African Food
Case Studies - Sales Management Software Features
Cave Direct Logo - Skynamo Mobile Sales App - Industry Food & Beverage

How we help food and beverage manufacturers, importers, distributors, and wholesalers smash their targets

All your products, prices, and inventory at your fingertips

  • Organise your products better and give easy access to your field sales team.
  • Manage the products’ details with pictures and pricing.
  • Set up discounts, offers and schemes for different products.
  • Check stock levels at various retailers/outlets.
  • Showcase your products to potential customers.
Customer info and history - Skynamo - mobile sales app for reps

Improve your customers’ buying experience

  • Manage your customer details in one place.
  • Make updated customer info available to reps on the field.
  • Communicate better to enhance relationships with clients.
  • Maintain a log of visits, calls, emails and meetings.

Find your customers, wherever you are

  • No more time wasted on detours
  • See on a map where all your customers are in relation to you
  • Plan your day better
  • Reduce driving time
  • See when last you visited your customer so you can prioritise customer visits
live customer location on Skynamo field sales app
Food & Beverage industry single product view

Take orders in the field, even if you’re offline

  • Order directly from your digital catalogue
  • Order in batches, apply discounts, and view latest pricing and stock volume
  • No need to call the office to check on pricing or product availability.
  • Skynamo works even if you are in remote areas where there is no signal

Set - and hit - your own targets

  • Set weekly goals
  • See how you are tracking in an instant
  • Mobile analytics helps you plan better
  • Make better sales
  • Be more motivated in your daily activities
Mobile Analytics for Field Sales Apps - mobile sales app for reps
sales app for managers gains insights

No more manual paperwork and reports

  • Spot opportunities and gaps in the market
  • Make more sales, make more profit
  • Live, real-time dashboards on important metrics
  • Save time, work smarter
  • Improve productivity and efficiency
  • Reduce human errors
  • Gain valuable insights into your sales, customers, and stock demand

What food and beverage B2B brands say about us

"It helps us to run our food production and import business, as our sales reps use Skynamo to manage our customer relationships, specifically whilst visiting them and placing orders in the field."

"Without Skynamo I feel lost because I can’t check what happened the previous day and I can’t provide customers with accurate pricing."

4.8 star average on Google Reviews

 Nadia Levy

Very friendly. Went for training and it was really good.

Google logo

Everd Mostert Everd Mostert

Skynamo is a great app to help you plan and achieve your sales goals.

Google logo

Saligh Dollie

Very welcoming and a good training experience.

Google logo

Skynamo is the leading sales software and mobile ordering app for food and beverage companies in South Africa

Skynamo Industry Food & Beverage - beverages


Skynamo Industry Food & Beverage - non-perishables

Non-perishable foods

Skynamo Industry Food & Beverage -perishables

Perishable foods

Skynamo Industry Food & Beverage -confectionery and baked goods

Confectionary &
baked goods

Skynamo Industry Food & Beverage -imported and exotic goods

Imported / exotic foods

Distributors, wholesalers, importers, and manufacturers

Distributors, wholesalers, importers, and manufacturers

The preferred B2B sales software for competitive brands

Skynamo works offline

Offline access

All Skynamo functionality is accessible even when offline.


Mobile first

Skynamo has been developed specifically as an app for mobile devices, which means a superior experience.

Skynamo gives accurate orders

Accurate orders

Integrations with a number of ERP and accounting packages.

Book a call

Want to see how Skynamo can remove sales confusion and make the most of opportunities? Request a quick chat.

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