Skynamo Analytics
What questions do you have about your sales or sales team? Let us answer them with Skynamo Analytics! Here are a few examples of the insightful reports that Skynamo offers.
YOY sales per month
Easily compare previous years sales with the current year, and see seasonal buying patterns or slow times.
Top and bottom customers
Quickly see who your top buyers are, and where the most of your revenue is coming from.
At the same time see where more focus could be needed with your bottom customers.
Invoicing per user and per company
Know at a glance what your invoicing totals are, and use our convenient drop-down option to choose the date range you would like to view.
You will also have a breakdown of the invoicing per user.
Activities completed
View the activities your users have completed at a glance, and see which users are your top performers and who can use some encouragement.
Skynamo RADAR Analytics
Skynamo Radar offers insights into your customers’ buying behaviors and trends, by segmenting your customer base using your existing data. This segmentation is done using 2 powerful features: RFM Analysis and Team Targets.
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Use your existing information to help you make the best business decisions moving forward.