About the Skynamo Help Centre

Need Help?

It’s OK, we all get a little stuck sometimes.

We’re always happy to help, but aren’t always available.

So, whether you’ve forgotten your password or you’re confused by something you see in our app, we’ve made our Help Centre available to you to help yourself.

Help yourself and help humankind!

By helping yourself, you are helping humankind.
By helping humankind, you are helping yourself.
That’s the law of all spiritual progress.

Christopher Isherwood

Are you in the majority?

A recent study revealed that 3 out of 4 customers prefer to help themselves before reaching out for live support.

Access a library of helpful info!

The Skynamo Help Centre is the same resource our own Skynamo Support team use to respond to your support requests. We’ve just made it available to you for when we’re not available or you’re just feeling super self-reliant.

Become self-reliant and reach intellectual independence!

Self-reliance leads to intellectual independence. 
– Ameen Rihani

Our Help Centre gives you access to all the resources you need to help yourself when you’re searching for some answers, such as:

  • What’s New? for our latest software releases and product improvements,
  • Common Issues and their solutions,
  • How-to” instructions explaining app functions,
  • FAQs about Integration,
  • Tips and tricks to enhance your user experience.
  • Getting an error message? Use our Help Centre search field to find out what it means.

So, next time, why not skip the queue and help yourself?

Click on the button below to search our Help Centre for
solutions to the problem you’re experiencing.