At a glance it may seem like choosing a best of breed platform is the simple answer to all of your problems. However, you would be forgiven for thinking so off the bat.
Before making such a decision it is important to understand how your company engages with technology. You might want to consider what your needs are and how best they could be met. This includes your needs for your reps, integration, and more general functionality.
Single platforms offer a unified interface across all your platforms, a familiar look and style that makes things feel more comfortable and easier to use. While that familiarity and ease of use are of course important, the upfront learning curves of these massive platforms are steep to say the least. Having one all-encompassing platform means dealing with one vendor for all your problems and issues that you have. This may seem like the most efficient option but dealing with a big platform over a small technical issue that you are having may change your mind quickly. Having to find out who to deal with for that specific problem should be the least of your worries.
While these all-encompassing platforms seem like they have everything you need, you often find yourself paying for over the top and unnecessary features you would never need. The functions you do need, often tend to lack the flexibility and features which a best of breed platform offers.
Best of breed platforms, like Skynamo, are designed specifically for manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors with sales reps in the field. This technology is specifically designed and focused on giving your sales reps the best advantage over your competitors, and feeding your management the most accurate, real-time data.
Yes, choosing to use a best-of-breed software will mean that you will need more than one single platform, but these best of breed platforms are set up and built specifically to integrate smoothly, and share data with almost any other platforms you need them to.
If you’re looking for specific information, details, and accurate data, you will need technology that has a deeper understanding to target and help you solve your specific problem areas. While single platforms will serve you just fine for general business, best of breed platforms offer your reps the customization they need to have in the field and offer your management access to a wealth of information they previously dreamed of and more. Because of these benefits, best of breed platforms like these will seem tailored to your needs and satisfy your wants, all at the same time.
Adopting new sales technology can be made so easy. You’ll wonder why you didn’t make the change earlier. To learn more, download Skynamo’s Moving to Sales Technology eBook to understand how technology can help you and your business specifically, or get in touch with Skynamo, the easy-to-use Field Sales app for manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors.