How top managers look after their sales reps’ well-being

How top managers look after their sales reps' well-being

Employee well-being should be the top priority of any business. Focused, driven, and happy sales reps are integral to every organization’s success. They’re the ones responsible for driving conversions and developing long-term customer relationships. Also, they play a crucial role in providing other departments with actionable insights about potential and existing customers.


That’s why it is essential for managers to empower sales reps with the right tools and work culture. But apart from workplace performance, you also need to consider employee mental well-being. Your employees need to maintain a healthy work-life balance and fostering a positive environment at work – in which employees feel a sense of pride and ownership – keeps them motivated and caring. Keeping morale high and looking after employees’ health helps them excel at their jobs. Good managers understand this, and the myriad ways to look after and empower their employees.


Recognize achievements to improve sales rep morale

Offering financial incentives isn’t the only way to promote employee well-being and motivation. If you want to create a content, loyal, and passionate workforce, you must recognize individual and collective achievements.

When you praise reps for a job well done, they realize that you value their dedication and hard work. It encourages them to set higher goals and become even more productive. Moreover, rewarding employees with praise makes them feel valued. It helps you earn their loyalty and can reduce employee churn. That’s why it is crucial to develop a framework to encourage sales reps by recognizing their achievements.

An easy way of doing that is to send a congratulatory email when a rep accomplishes their sales target, or a handwritten “thank you” acknowledging their contribution to an important project. Organizing regular award ceremonies for top performers is also a great idea – however, be sure that your healthy competitions aren’t burning employees out.

Most importantly, ensure that employee recognition is ingrained in your company culture. Create an atmosphere where expressing gratitude and sharing feedback comes naturally to all your employees.


Develop an open-communication policy in the workplace

Humans are social creatures. Considering this basic fact, it stands to reason that open and frequent communication is essential to employee well-being.

Transparent communication is one of the hallmarks of a productive work environment. It is all the more crucial for today’s dispersed workforce, which often operates from different locations. Constant communication makes your reps feel secure and helps them collaborate with each other and connect better with customers.

Open communication channels also can help you identify challenges your sales reps face. This gives you a better idea of what resources and tools they need. Create an atmosphere where your reps know they can express their views, opinions, and feedback without any retaliation. Also, establish multiple lines of in-person and virtual communication, including instant chats, video conferencing, and social media platforms.

It’s a good idea to meet your reps once daily or weekly for a half-hour. Make sure your tone is genuinely empathetic and reflects how much you care about them. Leverage the OARS approach to learn more about their aspirations and struggles. Ask open-ended questions, which require more than a simple “yes” or “no” answer. Use affirmation to assure reps that you value them and care about them beyond just their performance. Reflect and repeat what you hear to eliminate the chances of misunderstanding. Finally, summarize key points of discussions to develop suitable solutions.


Create a positive workplace culture

Your workplace culture permeates every aspect of day-to-day operations, and is a major influence on employee well-being and performance. Your workplace culture encompasses several aspects of business, including values, goals, ethics, vision, and attitude. Essentially, it’s defined by how you behave with your employees and how they treat each other.

A positive workplace culture goes a long way to boosting employee retention and productivity. It can help you attract and engage new recruits, reinforces your reputation as a brand that values its people, and ultimately creates a lasting impact on your company’s bottom line.

On the other hand, a toxic work environment can push your reps to their limits. It leads to employee burnout and adversely affects their morale. While you might still be achieving sales targets, you’ll be doing so at the cost of employee health.

So, how do you build a positive workplace culture that keeps your reps motivated and satisfied?

Deploying an open-communication policy and affirmative culture built on recognition puts you on the right track. The next step is to seek feedback from reps about the current culture to help you identify and address any gaps, and listen to what they have to say.

Nurture a collaborative workplace atmosphere, and set clear goals for the company to share with your reps. Make sure you implement policies to proactively prevent workplace discrimination based on race, sex, ethnicity, political affiliations, and other identity markers. The point is, employees need to feel safe and valued.


Provide employees necessary productivity tools

A positive company culture only yields productivity results when you empower your reps to succeed. They need access to the right resources that help them become more efficient and productive. In other words, you must provide them with powerful tools to efficiently perform various tasks related to their job.

For instance, a field sales app like Skynamo can help reps avoid the hassles of mundane administrative tasks. Instead, they can focus on improving customer relationships and ensuring seamless order fulfillment. A sales app gives them instant access to relevant information about customers, product inventory, pricing, and other details. This in turn equips them to better address customer pain points and drive more conversions.

How top managers look after their sales reps' well-being

Sales apps like Skynamo can optimize your workplace and make employees’ lives easier


Similarly, sales apps with robust analytics tools come in handy when reps want to share reports and insights with managers. It saves them the trouble of manually creating reports based on vast amounts of data. Moreover, managers can use sales performance tracking features to see how each rep is doing on the field. They can then use that information to provide reps with meaningful feedback and praise.


Help employees thrive and harness their potential

It’s up to business leaders and sales managers to establish a work environment that fosters employee well-being. Regular two-way communication among managers and sales reps is crucial for maximizing collaboration and performance. Also, create a welcoming, inclusive, and safe workplace culture where employees are rewarded for their hard work.

It’s just as important to support your reps with the necessary tools they need to perform their job. Reps need uninterrupted access to all company resources, from sales to communications to analytics data, to perform at their peak.

Skynamo’s field sales app for managers and reps is one such feature-packed tool that can help you monitor and enhance employee performance. If you’re interested in implementing software to help improve your employee’s work life and productivity, let’s chat and explore how Skynamo’s solutions can optimize your workplace.