Looking back and thinking forward.
With resolutions, mood boards and SMART goals a plenty, the wiff of a new year is in the air. But before we pop bottles, start chanting “3.. 2… 1…” and proudly conclude ‘new year, new me!’, there are lessons from the “old year, old you” not to forget, but on which we should rather reflect.
The definition of insanity
The is a reason that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome” is an age old adage. While we usually think of this in more personal terms, like getting back with one’s ex or eating another tub of ice cream and expecting not to feel ill again, its premise has a lot of professional promise.
Looking back does not have to mean holding one’s self back. Sure “what got you here, won’t get you there”, but… it still got you here. So, whilst it’s exciting to spend this time of year thinking about goals for 2025, we will circle back to that in the new year. Before circling back, let’s look back. Before we put together beautiful presentations with motivational titles like “Thrive in 2025”, let’s look at how we could’ve gotten more out of 2024.
Is it a joyous occasion to sit around a boardroom table and spend time thinking on what went wrong or what could have been done? No. But I would make sure you have good snacks and some sort of emotional support animal on standby.
In all seriousness, however, it is important.
The reality is that a mistake is only a mistake if you don’t learn from it, otherwise it’s called a lesson. So, rather remove the threat of insanity and reflect on mistakes so as not to make them again. The entire exercise can be the cathartic art of turning mistakes into lessons.
Making what worked, work harder
Looking back is not all doom and gloom, there is also room for bloom. So, get the hard truths, the mistakes turned lessons, ironed out first. Next, you get the chance to revel in all that worked, and strategise on how to make it work even harder.
Let’s face it, 2025 plans, strategies and presentations are essentially New Year’s resolutions in a suit. We are one stock image library away from creating corporate Pinterest boards, as we love to set new goals, new ambitions, new standards, personally and professionally.
New. New. New.
New is great. But perhaps, sprinkled in with all the resolutions, we should incorporate some thinking around evolutions. Be it product, strategy or team evolutions. What existing elements that are working for your organization, should you build on, rather than start over on?
Data-driven dreaming
Whilst a whimsical sounding concept, it is entirely practical in nature. The reality is, none of the above, whether it’s learning from the mistakes or building the wins, is possible without the historical data to do so.
Whilst reporting is not a romantic concept, when you need it, you will fall in love with the fact you have it. Having a solid system in place to collate your data and provide insights from it, is the difference between thriving in 2025 and barely surviving it.
It is not enough to simply remember what happened in 2024 because, firstly, who could? We are remembering to collect kids, lock doors and whether you turned the iron off. Frankly, who has the time? Secondly, who should?
You should not have to remember exact figures from a 6 month-old sales report. You should have technology and systems in place to do this, otherwise you may just as well have left the iron on.
From proper data, one can dream. One can learn from mistakes. One can set goals. And indeed, thrive in 2025.