Category: Food and Beverage

Can consultative selling land you more deals?

Can consultative selling land you more deals?

A good salesperson sells products, but a great one offers solutions. In essence, this is what consultative selling is all about.

In this era of instant communication, buyers already have a leg up on salespeople. The wide availability of internet resources means that a simple Google search may be enough for a buyer to learn about the product they’re interested in.

3 Benefits of a consultative selling approach to food and beverages

3 Benefits of a consultative selling approach to food and beverages

Considering the new realities of the 2022 market, the food and beverage industry could certainly benefit from consultative selling. The F&B industry reported record growth in 2021, but that wasn’t enough for the industry to completely escape recent challenges—including but not limited to staffing shortages and a host of supply chain issues.

Best food and beverage sales practices for the rest of 2022

Best food and beverage sales practices for the rest of 2022

Though the Covid-19 pandemic dealt the food and beverage industry heavy blows, it also stimulated creativity to keep doors open. These changes, though often drastic, have persisted to stimulate the industry and generate new trends powerful enough to affect food and beverage sales.

Upskill consultative selling agents in food and beverage industry

Upskill consultative selling agents in food and beverage industry

In today’s hyper-competitive information age, product-focused selling – where power resides with the seller – just won’t cut it anymore. The pandemic has forever changed how people shop, how they manage their finances, and how they care for themselves. This is why consultative selling – which yields power to the buyer – is increasingly seen as the future of sales.

UK Food & Beverage Industry Thermometer: From the Frying Pan into the Fire? Here is hoping not!

UK Food & Beverage Industry Thermometer

So here we are in April 2022. Exactly 2 years since the world flipped on its head, and just as things looked like we were beginning to soar above it all we have 2 very important contributor countries to the stability of the world’s economy at war. Sitting at this precipice of uncertainty once again is all too eerily familiar.

SA Food & Beverage Industry Thermometer: From the Frying Pan into the Fire? Here is hoping not!

SA Food & Beverage Industry Thermometer

So here we are in April 2022. Exactly 2 years since the world flipped on its head, and just as things looked like we were beginning to soar above it all we have 2 very important contributor countries to the stability of the world’s economy at war. Sitting at this precipice of uncertainty once again is all too eerily familiar.

The food and beverage industry says it has no clarity – REPORT

The Food and Beverage Industry Says It Has No Clarity

Skynamo – the leading provider of field sales technology – carried out extensive research recently. Spanning hundreds of manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors around the world, all with field sales teams, several pertinent challenges and successes were revealed over the course of 2021.

Your customers’ food buying preferences have changed. Has your business?

Your customers’ food buying preferences have changed. Has your business?

COVID-19 has triggered unprecedented changes in lives across the world. For many years, the majority of consumers have purchased products and services from brands they know and trust. But as campaigns around healthy eating habits and product quality gained momentum, we’ve seen a sharp shift in food buying preferences.

What do 2021’s supply chain issues mean for food distributors?

What do 2021’s supply chain issues mean for food distributors?

From electronics and seasonal clothing to home furnishings, toys, and food items, supply chain issues are causing in-store product shortages, creating a climate reminiscent of the panic buying that hit stores at the start of the pandemic. This time around, however, the disruptions are on a smaller scale and local in nature.

Industry Thermometer results reveal long-term impact of unrest in July

Local SMEs remain resilient despite instability

Recent data released by Skynamo’s Industry Thermometer has revealed that the unrest which took place in July is having a long-term impact on local businesses. This is following previously recorded signs of strong sales growth which were heading towards pre-pandemic figures.