Category: Wholesale distributors and manufacturers

How SMEs can adopt modern technology to boost sales

How SMEs can adopt modern technology to boost sales

One of the biggest challenges of running a small to medium enterprise in 2021 is the ongoing digital transformation of field sales hastened by the demands of the pandemic.

This digital transformation requires promoting your products/services across various digital channels to reach your target consumers.

Local SMEs remain resilient despite instability

Skynamo Industry Thermometer

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are essential to the economy’s health and predicted to lead an economic recovery post-COVID. However, many of these businesses are fighting to keep their doors open since the onset of the pandemic, with 89% impacted by the recent rioting and looting in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, according to research by BeyondCovid. Positively, the latest data by Skynamo’s Industry Thermometer for July 2021 reveals that the political turmoil did not have as big an impact on sales as expected.

Together we can! How businesses can support each other in troubled times

this image shows a hand extended to another to help in a time of need

It’s safe to say that no one in the world is having an easy time of it at the moment. Between a pandemic that has ripped through companies and communities, uncertainty created by political factors such as Brexit and the US elections last year, and political instability all over the world – including in South Africa, where our head office is – life is challenging, and businesses have been hard hit.