Tag: Be a better manager

How to ensure your business outlives ”you”

How to Ensure Your Business Outlives 'You'

Planning for the future of your business once you are no longer at the helm may be one of the last things on your to-do list, but it shouldn’t be. All businesses will experience a transition at some point, and making sure that you have a system in place for business succession helps to ensure longevity and stability even when you are gone.

Business and family: caring for one is caring for both

Business and family: caring for one is caring for both

So, you’ve accomplished the seemingly insurmountable task of launching your business. Through the days and nights of hard, relentless work you have likely encountered the issue that all business owners and entrepreneurs encounter – how do you balance the needs of both your business and your family?

Sales technology: build it or buy it?

Sales technology build it or buy it

Investing in readymade sales force automation (SFA) could seem unnecessary if you have the available in-house tech knowledge and only need to make small tweaks to existing systems. But if you want to do something complex or specialized, buying a readymade solution might make more sense in the long run.

The effects of successful sales communication, or the lack there of.

Effective communication, or the lack thereof, plays a crucial role in sales team synergy. Our past surveys have shown us that too many businesses still struggle with getting this right. Here we highlight the two frictions that contribute to ineffective communication and how businesses are overcoming them.

How SMEs can adopt modern technology to boost sales

How SMEs can adopt modern technology to boost sales

One of the biggest challenges of running a small to medium enterprise in 2021 is the ongoing digital transformation of field sales hastened by the demands of the pandemic.

This digital transformation requires promoting your products/services across various digital channels to reach your target consumers.

What are the different types of sales technology?

different types of sales technology

There isn’t only one type of sales technology. Figuring out which software is the best fit for your business is a difficult process, so we’ve put together this simple guide to help you distinguish between the confusing terminology involved in choosing the right sales technology.