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Can a sales CRM help building suppliers improve sales and stock management?

Can a sales CRM help building suppliers improve sales and stock management?

By Team Skynamo | March 6, 2023

Building material suppliers have a lot on their plates – and those plates are only about to get heavier. The global building and materials industry has been growing at a rate of 5% and is projected to top $400 billion by 2030. Forward-thinking companies that level up their operations with a top-tier sales CRM stand… Read more »

Is your business seeing signs of a global recession? Here’s what you need to know

Is your business seeing signs of a global recession? Here’s what you need to know

By Team Skynamo | February 13, 2023

Rising inflation, market volatility, increased unemployment, and shrinking GDP contribute to growing global recession fears. Unprepared businesses are especially worried, and with good reason. If you’re unsure of how to handle the customer, labour, and financial challenges of recessions, you aren’t alone. Let’s explore what a recession means, how to spot one, and how you… Read more »

3 tips for boosting B2B sales during slow seasons

3 tips for boosting B2B sales during slow seasons

By Team Skynamo | February 6, 2023

The business world is seldom static. While you always hope for periods of growth and expansion, downturns are inevitable. But sticking your head in the sand won’t protect you from slow seasons, low B2B sales, and harsh economic conditions: when times get tough, smart entrepreneurs prepare.

Does your CRM provide your sales team with the correct data insights?

Does your CRM provide your sales team with the correct data insights?

By Team Skynamo | January 25, 2023

Sales technology has been at the right hand of sales personnel everywhere for years. Its development has pushed products and padded pockets with greater ease and consistency than ever before. That is exactly why picking the right models for your company is mission-critical. Doing so means your team has the tools they need to thrive.… Read more »

The ultimate guide to creating a winning B2B sales strategy

The ultimate guide to creating a winning B2B sales strategy

By Team Skynamo | January 19, 2023

The sweeping changes affecting B2B sales strategy didn’t happen overnight. Even before the onset of COVID-19, many B2B buyers had moved toward self-reliance to conduct their own research and share their findings with colleagues. Interaction with a salesperson often only occurs after the modern buyer satisfies their preference for self-discovery.

Is sales anxiety the main cause of diminishing sales success?

Is sales anxiety the main cause of diminishing sales success?

By Team Skynamo | January 17, 2023

Nobody likes failing. Just ask any salesperson what their greatest fear on the job is; they’ll usually respond with the fear of rejection. Despite being offered the best prices on the best products, clients will still find a reason to say ‘No.’ It’s not personal, it’s business. And yet, sales anxiety persists – and it… Read more »

How local wineries can achieve profit gains with CRM software

How local wineries can achieve profit gains with CRM software

By Team Skynamo | January 4, 2023

In a world full of choices, sometimes it’s nice not to have to choose. Local wineries understand this more than most other establishments. With hundreds of wines for guests to choose from, the decision process can seem more tedious than relaxing. How can we fix this? When combined with superb customer service, recommending wines that… Read more »

Is sales enablement really necessary for achieving sales success?

Is sales enablement really necessary for achieving sales success?

By Team Skynamo | December 29, 2022

The saying goes that sales tools make the salesperson. Is this true? Without a doubt, they do give sellers an advantage over those who still depend entirely on spreadsheets, charisma, and pitches. However, sales tools and technology alone won’t amount to much. To make sense of sales tools like business intelligence, analytics, and marketing, agents… Read more »

5 Industries that benefit greatly from mobile ordering apps

5 Industries that benefit greatly from mobile ordering apps

By Team Skynamo | December 26, 2022

The pandemic changed the way we live, work, and conduct business. This is particularly true for the restaurant industry. While most businesses were forced to close their doors indefinitely, restaurants and other food and beverage establishments were able to survive – thanks to mobile ordering apps. The ability to order food online granted safety and… Read more »

Top advantages DIY distributors and wholesalers can get from a field sales CRM

Top advantages DIY distributors and wholesalers can get from a field sales CRM

By Team Skynamo | December 21, 2022

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have helped transform countless field sales agents from transactional order takers into proactive, opportunistic professionals. Despite being revered as a sales tool, CRM systems can also prove incredibly useful in managing supply chain disruptions. A CRM provides a single hub to organize, store, and access customer contact details, background information,… Read more »

5 Empowering ways to motivate your sales team

5 Empowering ways to motivate your sales team

By Team Skynamo | December 7, 2022

When things are going well, it’s easy to sit back and stay the course. This is especially true with your sales team. Why rock the boat when you’re sailing smooth? Most managers start pushing if their teams haven’t hit their targets or they see more potential. But shouldn’t effective leaders empower their sales teams in… Read more »

How Building and Hardware Distributors and Manufacturers Can Cope with Supply Chain Disruptions

How Building and Hardware Distributors and Manufacturers Can Cope with Supply Chain Disruptions

By Team Skynamo | December 5, 2022

It seems we’ve traded old pandemic-induced economic blows for new Russo-Ukrainian War-induced supply chain disruptions. Add in mounting global inflation and you’ll get a world faced with higher prices for harder-to-find goods. Chief among those suffering from supply chain disruptions the most are building and hardware distributors and manufacturers.