Tag: Build a better business

New Year, New Sales

The race to drive sales that thrive in 2025

The race to drive sales that thrive in 2025. 


There is nothing quite like a new year to get us really revved up to set new goals. Just ask the people in the treadmill queue at the gym. Every. Single. January. Whether it’s setting your sights on a victory on your scale, or trying to scale up your sales victories, there is no time like Jan to plan.


It is, however, often a little daunting to know where to start. Especially when the 365 days of blank pages in your new leatherbound 2025 diary stare back at you somewhat accusingly.


Related: The ultimate guide to creating a winning B2B sales strategy


Get your mind ready first 

As many fortune cookies profess, a journey of a thousand steps starts with just one. No one has ever won a race from the starting blocks. So, how does one take that initial step? For the love of metaphors and our queuing treadmill friends – let’s liken planning our sales targets to running a marathon.


As anyone in sales knows, the sales game is a marathon, not a sprint. 


Much like marathon running, and most things goal-oriented, the best way to start is with the end in mind (thanks Franklin Covey). So, what does that mean for us? Well, it means we take our first step with our sights on the end goal. This ensures our first steps – and subsequent decisions – are all moving in the right direction.


The “get set” part of “On your marks, get set, go!” is very important.


You’re in the starting blocks, at your mark. How do you get set? You prepare your mind. Call it visualisation, call it preparation, call it whatever you like, but knowing where you want to go is a surefire way to make sure you get there.


Imagine running a race without knowing how far it is, or where the finish line is. Exhausting? Yes. Pointless? Yes. Busywork? Yes. Do you want that? No.


So, if you are ready to start, get yourself a finish line, and get set.


Aim for the finish  

In both sales and running, you want to plan your first step in a way that will ensure you reach your final one. Whether it is stretching or cold calling, the finish line is what helps you tie your shoelaces on those wintery mornings, or what gets you out of bed after a week of sales rejections.


So, what’s your finish line? No, seriously, I want you to think about it for a minute. What do you want the end of this year to look like for you? Stop reading for a second. Pause, and picture it.

  • Get a clear picture of it in your mind. Now, make it clearer.
  • Next, imagine how that accomplishment will make you feel.
  • Finally, memorise it. Write it down, stick it on your fridge, display it as your screensaver, do whatever you have to do to remind yourself every day, with every email, every interaction, every cent spent along the way, why you started this race in the first place.


Then, step toward it consciously and progressively each day.


Keeping your finish line in mind is equally helpful to turn rejection into redirection. Just because a runner stumbles during a race, doesn’t mean the finish line moves. Or that the race is over. So, when you don’t close that sale, instead of looking down at where you stumbled, it’s a helpful guide to look up at where you are going. Cliché, yes, but effective.


The steps in between 

Sales is a numbers game. So should your goal setting be. Quantify your finish line so that you can quantify your progress. A marathon is quantified. What I mean by this, is that it has allocated times, preset distances, certain qualifying criteria and categories, etc.


When we have set measurements, we set ourselves up to succeed.


So, what does this mean for sales? Let’s say you want to double your sales in 2025. Big goal.


It either means you need to double your efforts:

  • call more people,
  • make more customer visits,
  • widen your geographical area.


Or, that you need to double your efficiency:

  • automate admin,
  • automate stock prices and inventory level updates,
  • digitalise your product catalogue,


And remember, you can alternate between these different levers to success along the way.


Related: The best apps for sales reps


Essentially, you need to ask yourself, “What do double yearly sales look like quarterly, monthly, and all the way down to daily actions?” If doubling sales requires double efforts, it means you need to send twice as many emails, reach twice as many people, and likely burn out twice as fast.

Or, you can work smarter-not-harder by implementing the best sales tech for sales reps and managers to help you do this.


Remember to take water breaks 

‘Hydrate’ and recalibrate as needed. Set check-in points along the way to see how far you’ve come and how far you have left to go. Once we’ve started our marathon, it can be become surprisingly difficult to stop if we didn’t plan our breaks beforehand.


Consciously set reflection points along the way to ensure that you are on the right track. If you are running a marathon and fail to notice the 10km mark, you are not likely to pace yourself correctly and could fail to finish. Schedule these mini–strategy realignment sessions in your diary. And make sure they happen, so that you always prioritise progress over motion.


So, all in all, sales is a race. It involves training, preparation, hydration. Heck, even perspiration. But being willing to plan properly now, means being able to cross the finish line as a winner.


Commitment issues? Choose to commit how you see fit. 

Skynamo monthly sales contract

Do you, sales team, take us, Skynamo, to be your lawfully wedded sales tech until contract do us part?  


I do… think that this level of upfront commitment can be quite overwhelming. There is nothing like staring down the barrel of a contract to make even the warmest feet feel kinda cold.  


At Skynamo, we want a relationship with potential customers based on choice. Not blind commitment. We want future customers to feel like they have the chance to get to know us first, before they go “all in”. 


Introducing Skynamo Monthly 

Say hello to our all-new Monthly contract offering.


We hereby offer our customers a level of commitment they are comfortable with. We want Skynamo customers to get the most out of our offering and stay because they love us, not because they have to.


We want them to choose us, not because of the contract they signed but rather the deals they have signed since using Skynamo. We want to be bonded by their growing bottom line, not by a signature on a dotted one.  


Love at first sign: 

With all the above said and done, sometimes when you know, you know.  That is why our month-to-month contract option is just that: optional. Just because we want our customers to choose us, doesn’t mean they can’t choose to commit to us.    

Whilst having freedom and options are great, having security and consistency is also a solid choice.  

We may be “Mr Right Now” for some, but with those for whom we are “Mr Right” now, we go ahead and happily (and mutually) enjoy the commitment.  


Benefits of commitment: 

Commitment is scary.  Change is scary. But committing to change… makes them both, a whole lot less terrifying.   


So, whilst you can choose less commitment, there are benefits to being more committed. 


Change management is the ‘couples therapy’ to making any good sales team/ sales tech relationship work. Setting up these new tech system processes with a longer-term contract involved and having this change management practices in place means you are more likely to avoid industry’s high failure rates.  


As you are giving your team and tech the time to go through the turmoil of change and come out the other end and be able to deliver results.  


So, within Skynamo’s new approach to contracts there is still an incentive to choose a long-term commitment. But the key is; that it is a choice. We want to meet businesses where they are at. As we know nothing in business is one size fits all and you should be able to choose a level of commitment that’s suits your specific business needs at the specific time. Regardless of a customer/future customer level of commitment Skynamo remains dedicated to the success of all of our partnerships and projects.  


At the end of the day, whether it’s no strings attached, or a white picket fence you want, we’re confident we will give you the freedom to choose.  


Here’s to more sales tech contracts making sense.  


For you, and your business.  


Did you get more in 2024?

Did you get more sales in 2024?

Looking back and thinking forward.  


With resolutions, mood boards and SMART goals a plenty, the wiff of a new year is in the air. But before we pop bottles, start chanting “3.. 2… 1…” and proudly conclude ‘new year, new me!’, there are lessons from the “old year, old you” not to forget, but on which we should rather reflect.  


The definition of insanity 

The is a reason that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome” is an age old adage. While we usually think of this in more personal terms, like getting back with one’s ex or eating another tub of ice cream and expecting not to feel ill again, its premise has a lot of professional promise.  


Looking back does not have to mean holding one’s self back. Sure “what got you here, won’t get you there”, but… it still got you here. So, whilst it’s exciting to spend this time of year thinking about goals for 2025, we will circle back to that in the new year. Before circling back, let’s look back.  Before we put together beautiful presentations with motivational titles like “Thrive in 2025”, let’s look at how we could’ve gotten more out of 2024.  


Is it a joyous occasion to sit around a boardroom table and spend time thinking on what went wrong or what could have been done?  No. But I would make sure you have good snacks and some sort of emotional support animal on standby.  


In all seriousness, however, it is important.  


The reality is that a mistake is only a mistake if you don’t learn from it, otherwise it’s called a lesson. So, rather remove the threat of insanity and reflect on mistakes so as not to make them again. The entire exercise can be the cathartic art of turning mistakes into lessons.  


Making what worked, work harder 

Looking back is not all doom and gloom, there is also room for bloom. So, get the hard truths, the mistakes turned lessons, ironed out first. Next, you get the chance to revel in all that worked, and strategise on how to make it work even harder.  


Let’s face it, 2025 plans, strategies and presentations are essentially New Year’s resolutions in a suit. We are one stock image library away from creating corporate Pinterest boards, as we love to set new goals, new ambitions, new standards, personally and professionally.  


New. New. New. 


New is great. But perhaps, sprinkled in with all the resolutions, we should incorporate some thinking around evolutions. Be it product, strategy or team evolutions. What existing elements that are working for your organization, should you build on, rather than start over on?  


Data-driven dreaming 

Whilst a whimsical sounding concept, it is entirely practical in nature. The reality is, none of the above, whether it’s learning from the mistakes or building the wins, is possible without the historical data to do so.  


Whilst reporting is not a romantic concept, when you need it, you will fall in love with the fact you have it. Having a solid system in place to collate your data and provide insights from it, is the difference between thriving in 2025 and barely surviving it.  


It is not enough to simply remember what happened in 2024 because, firstly, who could? We are remembering to collect kids, lock doors and whether you turned the iron off. Frankly, who has the time? Secondly, who should?  


You should not have to remember exact figures from a 6 month-old sales report. You should have technology and systems in place to do this, otherwise you may just as well have left the iron on.  


From proper data, one can dream. One can learn from mistakes. One can set goals. And indeed, thrive in 2025.  

Summer Time-Out 

Summer Time Out for sales teams


Because the best deserve a break. 


Sho! Is there anything greater, than this time of year? 

A time of joy and festive cheer. 

A time when the weather is great,  

A time when we use any excuse to celebrate.  


Before we launch into a new genre of thought leadership poetry, enough with the rhyme.  


Seriously though, whether it’s the smell of sunblock in the air or Michael and Mariah becoming the soundtracks to our lives again, December hits different.  


You wouldn’t push a pull door 

Whilst December vibes hit different, they can also hit back. Let’s face it, when the clock strikes December, most people go ‘out-of-office’ long before their inboxes do. 


So, pushing for productivity during this period is just that. 


A bit of a push.  


A push for more focus on ROI than SPF. A push because everyone would rather be working on their tans than on their tasks. A push because there’s this “its 5 o clock somewhere” vibe that transcends time itself.  


So, here’s a radical idea: don’t push. Pull. In fact, dive right on in. Submerse yourself, your team and your tasks in all the sand covered, ice-clinking goodness that is December.  


Setting your team up to sizzle and not fizzle 

Sounds ideal, right? Just diving into December with the same reckless abandon of a beach trip on Boxing Day. 


But there is nothing quite like the sentiment “January profits are made in December”, to go straight from easy breezy to queasy. However, fret not, whilst this is true in many regards, one could and should stretch this thinking.   


You have a full 12 months to set yourself up for future success. You have had all of 2024 to help you start off 2025 with a bang. Not just the last 31 days of it. 31 days, as mentioned above, during which your team is either literally or at the very least mentally OOO.  


Because you know what’s worse than sunburn in December? Burnout. No amounts of aloe vera will help you with that.  


But let’s look forward and not backward, hindsight can be 2025. So, use this time to think about how you can create a 2025 so strategic, so effective, that come this time next year, your team is sizzling and not fizzling.  


Work smarter, not harder.  


Make decisions, choose technology, choose structures that enable you to begin with “the end in mind”. So, by December 2025, your team can be taking a break instead of breaking down.  


To the sizzlers 

To those of you, the converted, the tech-stacked and strategy-jacked, the smarter not harder workers among us. You’ve put the jingle sells into jingles.  


We see you, we salute you.  


You have gotten more out of 2024 and now you get to celebrate that. May your out-of-offices be funny and may your pool days be sunny.  

What in the Mo is TOMO?

Primed to Perform and Total Motivation

Great question. We’d love to tell you. 


If there is one thing, this time of year, that we truly need “mo’” of… it’s motivation. With leave days loading and the blue skies calling us to ditch our desks, how does one motivate yourself, not to mention your team?  


Well, here is the thing about motivation, it’s layered. It is not as simple as incentivising with targets, or planning more pizza parties. Through unpacking the principles of Primed to Perform and Total Motivation (TOMO), our leadership team has come to recognise this multi-layeredness (or, mo’-ness) of motivation. 


Look for the Book 

Primed to Perform is a book by Neel Doshi and Lindsay McGregor and is a must read, not just for management teams, but individuals as well. Getting a greater understanding of what motivates us, is as beneficial to an individual as it is to an organisation. Tough to motivate others when we don’t quite understand what motivates ourselves, no?  


Well, this book, is a page turner for people from all the above categories. Once you start peeling back the layers of limiting beliefs around motivation, you can’t stop. At a very high level overview, the book unpacks the notion that there are both positive and negative motivators and essentially your Total Motivation (TOMO) is the net effect of these. Play, purpose and potential contribute to one’s motivation whilst economic pressure, emotional pressure and inertia detract from it.  


In the interest of keeping this piece, Mo’ business and less book club, we’ll focus more on what our team learnt through the process of unpacking TOMO. To learn mo’ about the motivator and the intricacies of the book… get yourself a copy! (It’s worth it)  


Mo’ about our team and TOMO  


The Mo’ you know, the Mo’ you grow, so our leadership team went through a 6-part training course on TOMO. And here are some of their key take outs: 

Firstly, from the point of view of our People Ops team on why they chose ToMo: 

The ideas are simple enough and they don’t use jargon that might make you feel stupid.  


So, we know the nature of work has changed right? And so should the world of work accordingly. We aren’t in the industrial revolution anymore and carrot and stick also doesn’t work anymore. And that’s what the book is about – you can’t motivate someone with only punishment or rewards anymore. The reason we brought it in is not only to have managers rethink how they think about their job and how they do it, but also be able to take these ideas to their teams and start influencing them. 

Linda Walters – People Ops Manager 


Secondly, a couple of highlights across our leadership team: 


ToMo is more than a number. It is the thinking behind what it means to be human and how humans are motivated. Understanding of human motivation has come a long way since the 70s. ToMo is a great way of understanding what drives motivation and reducing it all to a single number that can be measured. 

Sam Clarke – CEO 


 Often, we are so busy with the business of work and we forget what has an impact on our purpose and how this motivates us to be a better performing company. I’m paying much more attention on measuring this with my team, especially making sure we are all Playing at work. Trust is one of the biggest contributors in getting this element right. 

Brian Howe – General Manager UK 


Simply setting expectations of teams and individuals and then empowering them to organise themselves and determine how to get the work done actually gets the work done. 

Justin Marshall – Head of CX 


It is the first (simple) business framework that takes the people in the business, the full human experience, and align their goals with that of the business. 

Diederik Hattingh – Senior Development Manager 


Businesses make it or fail based on its people. Understanding what motivates people helps to motivate them.  

Wim Morris – Chief Operating Officer 


I really like the Primed to Perform framework as it gives a foundation and language for a high-performance culture that isn’t just “exceed your target or you’re fired”. It actually tells us what to do to have a healthy high performing team. Play as a motivator is my “favourite”, as often people don’t associate their day jobs with “Play”: something that is exciting and fun and fulfilling. This changes that narrative and tells you that you are going to better at your job if you actually find a way to “Play” in it. The fact that we have words for these important elements of ToMo has meant that we have started speaking the same language about the things we see in our business.  

Lizl Barnard – Chief of People 



To summarize all the above and why ToMo is Mo’ than you bargain for, a core nugget that stood out from the team’s feedback of ToMo was this :  

ToMo is finding the joy, meaning and reason in the work that you do.  

And frankly what pursuit is mo’ important than this? 

Automating the Bottom Line: How Technology Aligns Finance and Sales Teams

How Technology Aligns Finance and Sales Teams


Finance and Sales: they’re often seen as the odd couple of every business. Finance says, “Be careful!” while Sales hears, “Sell faster!” And then there’s the endless back-and-forth—forgotten invoices, capturing data manually, paperwork that gets lost somewhere between sales reps’ car seats and the finance office. Spreadsheets and powerpoint reports pile up, sales invoices get delayed, and then the finger-pointing begins. It’s a bit like a sitcom… but no one’s laughing. 


Technology like Skynamo helps Finance and Sales work together smoothly. Think of Skynamo as a translator that speaks both numbers and targets fluently. With Skynamo in play, finance teams suddenly find themselves with fewer headaches, more streamlined processes, and actual synergy with their sales team.  


Here’s how Skynamo bridges that ever-awkward gap between Finance and Sales, while packing in automation, sales analysis and intelligence, security, and data-driven insights that even the most discerning CFO would appreciate. 

An extension of your finance team (without the extra headcount) 

Skynamo is like adding a super-efficient number-crunching member to your finance team who also thinks like a salesperson. When sales reps go out in the field, they’re backed by Skynamo’s real-time insights, including whether a customer is in debt or has payments on hold. This means your sales team doesn’t accidentally sell to customers who still owe you, preventing that awkward “we’ll take it back” conversation down the road. 

The results? 

  • A sales strategy with a financial backbone.  
  • Salespeople don’t just fire in the dark; they work with finance-approved targets and guidelines.  
  • This creates a situation where sales becomes, effectively, an extension of the finance team.  
  • They’re aware, informed, and empowered to make sales decisions that don’t end up hurting the bottom line.  
  • Less risk, more reward. 

The value of true integration: A single source of truth 

Forget the headache of spreadsheets and systems that barely talk to each other. Skynamo integrates seamlessly with your accounting stack, from invoicing software to stock management systems, putting everything finance needs in one cohesive ecosystem. The finance team has access to live, accurate data on customer orders, stock levels, and outstanding payments—all from one place. 

The results? 

  • Fewer errors, no duplicated data. And no more wondering if your systems are actually playing nicely together.  
  • Every sale made, every invoice issued, and every payment received is accurately tracked and reflected in real time.  
  • No manual input, no room for human error, and, importantly, no chasing after missing information.  
  • Skynamo helps finance teams wave goodbye to the dreaded “end-of-month reconciliation marathon” and instead, enjoy a smoother month-end close. 

RADAR: Data-driven decisions 

Skynamo RADAR gives finance teams data-backed insights on stock and sales trends, so you can make precise, informed decisions. It’s not just about knowing what’s selling and what’s not; RADAR also helps you make purchasing decisions with confidence, and reduces the risk of overstocking or, worse, missed opportunities due to insufficient stock. 

The results? 

  • A data-driven approach that supports long-term planning and helps finance teams justify spend based on cold, hard numbers.  
  • RADAR eliminates guesswork, so finance departments can keep their fingers on the pulse of inventory and product movement, planning ahead with certainty.  
  • It’s ROI squared—the cost of not having Skynamo is simply too high once you realise the insights it brings to the table. 

ROI: The (high) cost of not having Skynamo 

We all know what it’s like: there’s the cost of buying new tech, but there’s also the hidden cost of sticking to outdated methods. The price of slow admin, missed sales due to incorrect stock levels, and the endless juggling of manual processes can add up quickly. Skynamo is an investment that pays for itself by eliminating the inefficiencies that eat into profit margins. 

The results? 

  • Invoices are processed faster, clarity on income and product availability is increased, and your finance team and sales team works in tandem.  
  • Skynamo allows finance teams to see what’s happening in the field, to manage revenue, not constantly put out fires.  
  • You get better cash flow control, fewer losses due to human error, and improved overall efficiency that finance teams can see right on their bottom line. 

Streamlined workflows: Make mundane tasks disappear 

We know that sales teams are not hired for their admin skills. One of Skynamo’s superpowers is automation. So, finance no longer has to manually enter data from sales reports, hunt down missing invoices, or tally up stock reports. Instead, sales data flows in real time from Skynamo, so your finance teams are always up to date without lifting a finger. 

The results? 

  • No duplicated tasks, no lost paperwork, and no wondering if everyone’s on the same page.  
  • Finance and Sales are in sync from the get-go, allowing both departments to focus on their real objectives.  
  • For finance, that means less time on grunt work and more time supporting the overarching business strategy and growth. 

Stability, Security, and Trust: Built-in Reliability 

Skynamo doesn’t skimp on security. It’s ISO certified, which means it adheres to the highest standards of data integrity, confidentiality, and reliability. Finance teams can trust that their data is in safe hands, with stringent protocols in place to protect sensitive financial information.  

The results? 

  • When it comes to data, nothing slips through the cracks; every transaction, update, and interaction is logged and secure, so there’s complete visibility and accountability. 
  • The peace of mind that comes from knowing Skynamo has you covered with top-notch security is priceless.  
  • It’s one less thing to worry about in a world where cyber risks and data breaches are all too common.

Let’s talk about what matters to you: Growth, risk, efficiency—and more 

Skynamo addresses core needs finance teams juggle daily: 

  • Growth: When lost sales opportunities are prevented, inventory is optimised, and invoicing is automated, Skynamo ensures that growth doesn’t come at a cost to efficiency or control. 
  • Risk: With real-time financial insights and a bird’s-eye view of customer status, Skynamo mitigates the risk of overdue payments and overextended credit. 
  • Efficiency: Automation, integration, and a streamlined interface make Skynamo the ultimate efficiency booster. Less time spent on manual processes, more time driving the business forward. 
  • Seamless invoicing and accurate stock levels: Skynamo keeps invoices timely, stock levels precise, and financials transparent. Customers on hold? Skynamo lets Sales know before they even knock on the door. 
  • Declining revenue? Not anymore. With RADAR’s sales insights, finance teams can predict and counteract dips before they affect the bottom line. 

Skynamo—the ultimate bridge between Finance and Sales 

Finance and Sales can be the ultimate team, but only with the right support. Skynamo acts as the mediator, translator, and backbone of this partnership. From real-time insights to automated workflows, data security, and integration, Skynamo turns friction into flow. For finance teams, this isn’t just about getting Sales in line; it’s about building a more resilient, data-driven, and profitable future. 


So, finance professionals, take a deep breath, let Skynamo handle the messy details, and enjoy watching Sales finally work with you, not against you. After all, you’ve got a company to grow—and Skynamo’s here to make it happen, headache-free. 


Mobile CRM for sales teams – Literally the only tool you need

Mobile CRM for sales teams


Anyone who says sales people are gifted at admin has never worked in sales. So why is sales so admin-heavy? Think about the call reports, sales forecasting, the in-field orders, and constant monthly reports. Enter mobile CRM for sales reps and managers — literally the only tool you’ll need. And, it’s changing the game for B2B companies.

We get it. It sounds ludicrous. One mobile CRM app and desktop solution that ticks all the boxes. But we have built Skynamo to do just that, because we come from sales. So, we’re going to talk about mobile CRM for sales teams from all angles.

  • As a sales manager, maybe you were promoted into your role because you’re really good at sales. Maybe you’ve just always loved sales and sales strategies. But, managing a team of field sales reps is an entirely different kettle of fish. You’re expected to juggle multiple reps, clients, and data, and all while keep track of performance and churn out never-ending reports.
  • For sales reps, the field can be a battlefield—packed with client meetings, follow-ups, and the constant pressure to hit targets.
  • And customers? They expect nothing less than immediate, accurate, and seamless service.


The sales struggle: A three-way perspective

Sales managers: The blind spot

Without real-time insights, as a sales manager you’re often in the dark about what’s happening in the field. Are your reps prioritising the right clients? Are they actually driving value in their meetings? How many deals are at risk because no one followed up? You can’t afford to guess, but you also can’t keep up with constant check-ins.

Sales reps: The time crunch

As sales reps, you’re drowning in admin. Between juggling meetings, entering data, and keeping up with product updates, there’s hardly any time left to focus on what matters—closing deals. And when you don’t have instant access to the latest customer info or stock levels, you’re forced to rely on memory, which is risky.

Customers: The frustration factor

Customers don’t care about internal chaos. They care about fast, accurate responses. They expect tailored solutions on the spot, and they won’t hesitate to turn to a competitor if they sense inefficiency.

Sound familiar? These are challenges nearly every B2B company faces. But here’s the good news: a mobile CRM can fix it all. Literally.


How a mobile CRM solves the problem

A sales mobility app and platform gives your team instant access to everything they need—anytime, anywhere. Let’s break down how it benefits each player in this sales triangle.

1. Sales managers: You get real-time control and visibility

Picture this: You know exactly where each sales rep is, which clients they’re meeting, and how productive they’ve been today—without having to call or email. Skynamo sales CRM gives you real-time visibility into their activity, so you can make decisions based on data, not assumptions.


Performance gaps? Spotted instantly. High-potential deals? Prioritised immediately. Your stress levels are a lot lower, and your job satisfaction hits the roof.

2. Sales reps: More selling, less yelling

Sales reps, Skynamo’s mobile CRM lets you leave the paperwork behind. No more scrambling to update spreadsheets after a long day on the road. No more being hounded for reports.

With just a few taps, you get automated reports, you can update client info, log meetings, and access the latest product details right from your phone.

That means less time on admin and more time doing what you do best—selling. And because you have everything they need at your fingertips, you show up to every meeting prepared and confident.

3. Customers: Instant satisfaction

When reps have access to real-time data, customers get real-time answers. No more, “Let me check on that and get back to you.” Sales reps can give accurate quotes, check stock, and resolve issues on the spot. It’s the kind of experience that builds trust and loyalty—and keeps your customers coming back.


The big wins of mobile CRM for salespeople

Here’s why investing in mobile CRM will give your sales team the upper hand.

  • Real-time, automated reporting: Stay on top of sales activity as it happens. You get live insights into who your reps are seeing, what they’re doing, and where deals are in the pipeline. For even more comprehensive, in-depth sales analysis, we have Skynamo RADAR.
  • Instant access to data: Reps can pull up customer info, product details, pricing, and even past interactions with a quick tap. No more digging through emails or relying on memory.
  • Boosted productivity: With less time spent on admin, reps can focus on what they’re paid to do—sell. They’ll hit more meetings and close more deals without the headache of manual data entry.
  • Stronger customer relationships: Armed with accurate, up-to-the-minute info, your reps can deliver a personalised, efficient service that leaves customers feeling valued and understood.
  • Accurate forecasting: The live data provided by mobile CRM allows you to spot trends, identify opportunities, and forecast with precision. No more guesswork, just solid insights.

Why Skynamo mobile CRM?

At Skynamo, we understand that B2B sales don’t happen in an office—they happen in the field. That’s why we’ve built a mobile CRM that’s designed specifically for sales reps on the move. Whether your reps are visiting clients, managing follow-ups, or closing deals, Skynamo gives your sales teams tools to work smarter, not harder.


For managers, it’s a window into the field without micromanaging. For reps, it’s a lifeline to stay organised and effective. And for customers? It’s the experience that keeps them coming back.


Ready to supercharge your sales with the best mobile CRM?

Give your reps the power of a mobile CRM and watch your sales soar. Let Skynamo show you how it’s done.



What is field sales mobile CRM?

Field sales CRM – Skynamo – is a tool designed for B2B sales reps who work in the field. It gives them mobile access to customer data, inventory levels and prices, and allows them to manage relationships on the go. It helps streamline sales processes, boosts productivity, and gives managers real-time visibility into their team’s activities.

What is mobile CRM?

Mobile CRM is your CRM system optimised for smartphones and tablets. Skynamo mobile CRM gives reps instant access to customer data and tools wherever they are – it even works offline. It enables quick updates, seamless communication, and real-time access to vital sales info. With Mobile CRM, your team stays productive on the move, not tied to the office.

What is the best CRM system for sales?

The best CRM system for sales is Skynamo. It makes life easier for both managers and reps by offering real-time insights and reducing sales admin work. Built for field sales, it’s ideal because it can integrate with your ERP, and so give your reps mobile access to customer data, inventory data, and gives managers visibility to field sales activities.

What is CRM in sales?

CRM in sales is a system that tracks customer interactions, manages relationships, and ensures follow-ups are timely and accurate. It helps reps stay organised and gives managers visibility into sales activities. It’s essential for maintaining strong customer relationships and driving consistent sales growth.


The “Fondamentals” of business growth: How new sales software empowers sales success

How new sales software empowers sales success

Business owners, sales managers, and reps – it’s time to stretch beyond your comfort zone! Just like exercise queen Jane Fonda taught us the value of a good stretch, adopting new sales software might feel like a challenge. But it’s exactly what you need to build a better, stronger, and more flexible sales team.

In today’s fast-paced market, staying competitive means more than physical fitness; it’s about being tech-fit, too.

That’s where Skynamo, the field sales software designed for South Africa’s dynamic market, comes into play. It might feel like a workout now, but this “stretch” will transform your sales process and take your team further than ever before.

Let’s break down the “fondamentals” of why Skynamo is the right move for your business.


The stretch struggle: Why new sales software feels like a workout

Let’s face it – adopting new sales tech can be a pain. Just like that first stretch in the morning, it can feel uncomfortable and stiff. Here’s why adopting new sales software can feel like a workout:

  1. Fear of Change: We’re creatures of habit. Sales teams often stick with outdated tools simply because they’re familiar. New software? Yikes!
  2. Complexity: Implementing a new CRM isn’t easy. There’s training, data migration, process changes – it’s like tackling a complex Fonda workout!
  3. Cost Concerns: Will this new tool actually deliver results? Business owners worry about the return on investment and the risk of wasting time and money.


But, just like with any good exercise routine, pushing through the discomfort brings results. When you embrace the right “fondamentals,” your sales team will come out stronger, leaner, and ready to conquer new heights. That’s where Skynamo shines.


Why your sales need a bit of a stretch

Jane Fonda taught us that success starts with the basics – stretching, strength, and flexibility. In sales, the “fondamentals” are visibility, efficiency, communication, and growth. Let’s break down how Skynamo helps you master each of these.

1. Stretch for visibility

In sales, seeing what’s happening on the ground is crucial. Outdated methods leave you in the dark – sales reps are out, data is scattered, and you’re left guessing. 

Skynamo’s stretch: Skynamo gives you real-time visibility into your team’s activities. With GPS tracking, you know where your reps are, who they’ve visited, and what needs to be followed up on. No more guessing.

  • For Sales Managers: Get a clear snapshot of your team’s daily performance. This sales software for sales managers means clarity with zero hassle.
  • For Sales Reps: Stop wasting time on tedious reporting. Skynamo automates this for you, so that your sales rep software allows you to focus on what matters – selling.

2. Stretch for efficiency

Sales is about maximising face time with customers. Inefficient planning, manual data entry, and constant miscommunication slow everything down.

Skynamo’s Stretch: Skynamo’s smart route planning and scheduling mean your reps spend less time driving and more time closing deals. This mobile sales app provides on-the-go access to customer data, making it easy to log visits and place orders right from the field.

  • For Business Owners: Streamline operations and identify bottlenecks to boost productivity.
  • For Sales Reps: It’s like a daily stretch routine that maximises your range of motion – more meetings, more deals, less admin.

3. Stretch for communication

Effective communication is the lifeblood of sales. Poor communication between reps, managers, and back-office staff leads to missed opportunities and frustrated customers.

Skynamo’s Stretch: Skynamo’s built-in communication tools keep everyone on the same page. Managers can instantly send updates and promotions to reps’ mobile devices, while reps can share feedback from the field in real-time.

  • For Sales Managers: Stay in constant touch with your team. No more wondering if your reps have the latest info.
  • For Sales Reps: Quickly share customer insights and feedback. It’s like a fast stretch – keeps everything aligned and moving smoothly.

4. Stretch for Growth

Stretching isn’t just about the now; it’s about preparing for future success. Growth requires data-driven decisions, the right tools, and the right mindset.

Skynamo’s Stretch: Skynamo’s sales analytics provides deep insights into team performance and market trends. This data lets you refine strategies, set realistic targets, and seize new opportunities.

  • For Business Owners: Use Skynamo’s reports to assess ROI and refine strategies for growth.
  • For Sales Managers: Track individual and team performance, motivating reps and aligning activities with business objectives.

Less cramping, more extra miles with Skynamo

Like the extra stretch that turns a workout from good to great, Skynamo elevates your sales process beyond basic management. Here’s how it tackles common sales challenges:

  • Tech hurdles? Skynamo’s intuitive, mobile-first design makes it easy to adopt, minimising the learning curve.
  • Low productivity? By automating data entry, reporting, and route planning, Skynamo frees up time for reps to focus on selling.
  • Team empowerment? With real-time insights, both managers and reps can make quick, informed decisions, responding to customer needs faster than ever.

Get a leaner, stronger, more flexible sales team

Yes, adopting new sales software might feel like a stretch. It’s uncomfortable at first, and it takes effort. But it’s exactly what your sales team needs to be stronger and more flexible. By mastering the “fondamentals” of visibility, efficiency, communication, and growth – your team can stretch to meet market demands head-on.


Skynamo is the ultimate sales software that takes your team further. This mobile and desktop sales software empowers your sales force to perform at their best. Think of it as your Jane Fonda workout for sales – tough at first, but the results speak for themselves. So, get ready to stretch those sales muscles and embrace the power of Skynamo.

Because remember – the only way to go further is to stretch.

Contact us today and let’s chat.



1. Is new sales software difficult to implement?

Not with the right tool! Skynamo is designed to be user-friendly, with a mobile-first approach that minimises the learning curve. Most teams can get up to speed quickly with its intuitive interface and hands-on training resources. The implementation might feel like a stretch at first, but the payoff in efficiency is well worth it.

2. How do you implement a new sales software?

Start by assessing your current sales process and identifying areas for improvement. Next, choose a tool like Skynamo that fits your team’s needs. Roll it out in phases, beginning with core features like customer data management and reporting. Provide comprehensive training for your reps, utilise Skynamo’s support resources, and collect feedback to continuously refine the process.

3. Is my spreadsheet enough to manage a sales team or company sales?

Not really. Spreadsheets can quickly become outdated, error-prone, and cumbersome to manage. They lack real-time insights, automation, and the dynamic features of sales software like Skynamo. A dedicated sales software provides you with visibility, communication tools, and analytics – essential for effective sales management.

4. How can sales software improve sales?

Sales software like Skynamo improves sales by streamlining your workflow, providing real-time customer data, automating administrative tasks, and enhancing communication. With tools like smart route planning, digital catalogues, and detailed analytics, it allows your team to focus on what matters – building customer relationships and closing more deals.


Also read: Sales Fondamentals: the tech flex that stretches your sales

Hulle Weet Nog Steeds Nie Wat Ons Weet Nie

Hulle Weet Nog Steeds Nie Wat Ons Weet Nie

In a world where you can be anything, be South African. 


How fitting that as we approach Heritage Month, we continue to celebrate South African success. From outstanding Olympic feats to the rugby fields, to fighting rings – there’s never been a better time to celebrate our heritage. One thing about everything synonymous with being South African, is that the pull of patriotism toward our people often provides relief from the pain of our politics.  


So, what if we all decided to pull on this further? What if we all chose to dive into national pride along with those who pioneer it? What if we decided to stand tall, in a world that can often make us feel small? 


To quote the ever-resilient Dricus Du Plessis, “They don’t know, what we know.” Presumably, because they never needed to “know it”.  


As South Africans, however, many of us face countless opponents before we even reach the battle. We fight, we struggle, we win. Not only because we want to, but because we have to.  


So, when one of us wins, we all win. Because most of us, at some level, can relate to the journey it took to get there.  


Let’s get down to business 

It’s phenomenal to see our sportsmen, our musicians, our people standing in their South Africanness, not shying away from it and getting the acclaim they so deserve. So, perhaps the challenge is for more South African businesses to do the same.  


We find ourselves in a digital world that’s created a global village of opportunity. So, SA born-and-bred businesses can continue to grow in reach and influence beyond our borders.  


However, there seems to be a misconception that – to grow into the world we aspire to – we must grow out of the one we came from. We must tweak our accents, limit our “ja’s”, and adapt to dollar tastes with rand budgets. Nee man!  


As South African businesses, we should take guidance from our champions. Embrace the culture, the courage, the chaos of what makes us, us.  


Lean into the accents. Embrace the anecdotes.  Align businesses unapologetically to our fynbos-covered roots.  


Local is still very lekker 

Fact of the matter is…South African businesses are filled with South Africans, and sho, what a strength that is.  


Simply put, it’s our people.  


Our people who show grit simply getting out of bed in the morning.  

Our people who sip on tenacity with their Rooibos tea and Ouma rusks.  

Our people who, before even getting to work, have dealt with everything from lights being off to the news being on and all the potholes in between.  


The resilience of our people outside our office walls is exactly what drives the brilliance within them.  


While resources speak, necessity roars 

They say necessity is the mother of innovation. 

Well, ja, then we truly must be the motherland.  

Our people want for very little but need for a whole lot. This has been the seed of many flourishing innovations, all rooted in the deep need of those who plant them.  


We are the birthplace of some of the best technologies and technicians in the world and the irony is that we got used to sitting in the dark for multiple hours a day. But the key here is that we never let the realities of the current world inhibit us from creating a better one. We simply use it as fuel to drive innovation faster. 


We create, innovate, and collaborate to find solutions because often we can’t afford not to. It’s this difference in having such ingrained purpose that sets our innovations apart from the rest of the world before they have even left the pitch deck. So, perhaps our most prevalent resource is often our complete lack thereof.  


And, when this purpose meets the passion of the aforementioned people, well… let’s just say: they don’t know, what we know, and that’s our greatest strength. 


written by Taylea du Toit (Marketing Manager)

From flirtation to integration – Make it official in March

From flirtation to integration - Make it official in March

As the fanfare of February’s amorous escapades settle, and the last of the heart-shaped chocolates are begrudgingly consumed from the clearance aisle, we find ourselves on the cusp of a new month. Ah, March – a time of transition, where the remnants of summer’s relentless heat reluctantly give way to the first cool tendrils of autumn. And what better way to usher in this season of cosying up than by taking the plunge with that wickedly smart, easy-on-the-eye entity that’s been catching your interest? No, not the barista with the asymmetrical haircut – I’m talking about Skynamo.

How to swipe left on sales fatigue and fall in love with selling again

How to swipe left on sales fatigue and fall in love with selling again

You’re just a salesperson, standing in front of a prospect… asking them to love your product.


It’s the romantic comedy of errors that can be the selling profession. See the thing is, selling and dating are a dynamic duo of similarities, that frankly we don’t talk enough about. So let’s unpack the parallels shall we?

How to More-ify your B2B sales strategy in 2024

How to More-ify your B2B sales strategy

This year, we’re all about more in 2024. The best way to hit your targets is to know what you’re aiming for, right? And, as with every stratco, bosberaad or indaba, most companies carry out this time of the year, we haul out the whiteboard, Bakers biscuits, and Endearmints and whip up some semblance of a sales strategy.