Our survey among UK field sales reps suggests that only 30% are given access to mobile sales apps and their benefits.
Tag: Be a better rep
Stop wondering whether it’s worth sharing your ideas in sales meetings – 3min read
Sharing ideas is a means by which you can model and participate in value creation in your sales team while growing your own competencies. Yet, some salespeople remain hesitant to share their ideas with others. Why is that?
21 songs that get reps rocking on the road – 1min read
When your car becomes your office, you must make sure it’s a space that gets you ‘in the zone’. Sales reps spend their most important moments of each day – in between customer visits – in their cars. Surveyed sales reps share the songs that keep them up and selling on the road.
4 reasons why reps get a bad rap – 4min read
Salespeople face the challenge of having to represent their brands and win the trust of customers while negative labels hang around their necks. Here’s 4 reasons why reps get a bad rap and how the right sales tool helps them to shake off these labels.
You don’t need to be a mind reader to know what your customers want – 3min read
Ever wished you knew exactly what your customers are thinking? Good news – it’s not actually that difficult to figure out what’s going on in their heads. Here’s how to know what your customers want.
Less admin, but not less organised – a revolutionary approach to sales success – 3min read
Admin is unavoidable and necessary. It’s crucial to sales success. And yet, sales teams consider it a major obstacle to efficiency. Sales teams who sell more while doing less admin share their secret.
12 best pieces of sales advice from Team Skynamo – 3min read
What is the number one piece of sales advice you’d give someone? Ever wished you received more regular advice as an inexperienced salesperson? We asked members of Skynamo’s business development team to share their best advice with readers.
It’s not too late for your sales team to go mobile – 2min read
Discussions about the urgency to adapt to a mobile environment is nothing new. The idea that businesses who haven’t yet adopted mobile sales solutions will look on as their competitors thrive, is a scary one. But it’s certainly not too late (or complicated) to go mobile.
Survey: too many sales reps are sabotaging their own selling efforts – 2min read
A staggering 89% of field sales reps interviewed shared that they don’t trust the data they themselves record during customer visits and process into their company’s reporting system. We uncover various reasons for this self-sabotage.
What does sales professionalism look like? – 3min read
Professionalism in a team environment requires more than commonly expected behaviours, etiquette and mannerisms. We heard from a few customers how our mobile sales app helps them deliver a consistently professional service because of greater transparency, better communication and increased collaboration.
How to effectively apologise to a customer when you’ve made a mistake -3min read
Part of the commitment to deliver an excellent service and setting high personal standards as a salesperson, is occasionally missing the mark. Great sales reps understand that apologising effectively is part of great service delivery and go out of their way to do so sincerely.
7 ways to improve productivity by practising ‘active rest’ – 6min read
Busyness, burnout and anxiety have been recognised problems since the industrial age and have now been sent into overdrive by the digital revolution. We consider 7 ways to ‘actively rest’ your way to greater productivity.